Dermal Fillers

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    Dermal Fillers  - Natural Beauty NYC

    Dermal Fillers

    The more birthdays you celebrate, the more you will see an increase in lines and wrinkles and a loss of volume on your face. Dermal fillers are intended to reduce these typical signs of aging. At Natural Beauty Fifth Avenue, this customized cosmetic procedure is designed to improve a patient’s appearance by targeting unwanted evidence of aging.

    Signs of Aging Targeted by Dermal Fillers

    Dermal fillers are made of a soft, gel-like substance and injected just under the skin in wrinkles or folds to restore shape and volume. The lines and wrinkles you don’t want to be so obvious can be transformed with the right dermal filler and quickly reduce the signs of aging while making you look like your best self. There are many possible goals this treatment can achieve:

    • Restore lost volume
    • Improve facial contours
    • Plump lips and cheeks
    • Smooth and soften lines and wrinkles
    • Enhance lips
    • Correct asymmetries
    Signs of Aging Targeted by Dermal Fillers - Natural Beauty NYC
    Advantages of Customized Dermal Fillers - Natural Beauty NYC

    Advantages of Customized Dermal Fillers

    The entire body ages without fail, but your face is the most noticeable area of change and it’s the location most medical spa patients seek to refresh and rejuvenate. Because dermal fillers work differently than injectables that paralyze muscles, many patients gravitate toward the gentle transformation of fillers for the following benefits:

    • Non-surgical cosmetic procedure
    • Minimally invasive treatment
    • Customizable fillers
    • Immediate and long-lasting results
    • Target areas around the eyes, nose, and mouth

    This procedure, which takes less than an hour, delivers immediate results that help people look younger. Recovery time is minimal and results can last for months and sometimes even years, depending on the type of dermal filler you select and where it is injected.

    Types of Dermal Fillers

    Collagen is one of the first substances in the body to start to disappear as people age. Slowly, beginning in your 20s, a reduction in collagen causes volume loss and loose skin. Eventually, the skin thins, loses elasticity, and begins to sag. Millions of people choose dermal fillers as the best solution to their aging skin.

    All dermal filler options appropriate for your skin’s age and that align with your cosmetic rejuvenation goals are reviewed so you feel confident in your choice. Two of the most common fillers include:

    • Hyaluronic acid. Gives skin volume and hydration. Injections usually last six months to one year.
    • Poly-L-lactic acid. Fillers like Sculptra help the body create its own collagen and smooths deep facial wrinkles. Results can last for over two years.
    Types of Dermal Fillers - Natural Beauty MYC
    What to Expect from the Dermal Filler Procedure - Natural Beauty NYC

    What to Expect from the Dermal Filler Procedure

    All dermal fillers are applied through a unique process and injections are adjusted to the patient’s needs. In general, though, the treatment steps are as follows:

    • Consult. Meet with your cosmetic dermatology expert to discuss dermal fillers and determine what’s right for your skin.
    • Prep. Injection site is cleaned and disinfected and marked as needed.
    • Numb. A local anesthetic or cold pain relief is applied to soothe the skin and satisfy patient preferences.
    • Inject. The dermal filler takes about a minute to inject and the area may be massaged to move the filler around. More filler is added if necessary to get the desired result.
    • Heal. It is common to briefly experience bruising, swelling, tenderness, redness, or numbness at the injection site. A cool compress helps reduce pain and swelling too.

    Get Dermal Fillers at New York City Med Spa

    If you are considering any dermal filler or injectable, it is incredibly important to have a licensed, trained, and experienced professional administer the injections. Getting proper care will save you from potential problems and deliver better, longer-lasting results. Contact Natural Beauty Fifth Avenue and make an appointment with Charles Jovellano to learn more.

    Get Dermal Fillers at New York City Med Spa - Natural Beauty NYC