3 Aging Complaints Fixed by Dermal Fillers or Injectables

Aging is visible on your face before any other area of your body. It’s normal to obsess a little about the wrinkles that develop, the sagging, the jowls, the creases. Through targeted and customized dermal fillers or injectables, you can roll back the clock and create an appearance that makes you look and feel younger. Your complaints are not unheard of – and there are easy solutions to give your self-esteem support. Here are some of the most common issues that can be addressed.

1. Not So Plump Lips

Once upon a time, those luscious lips were what you loved most about your face. You can still have full, plump lips by boosting them with just the right dermal filler from the right cosmetic dermatology practice:

  • Hyaluronic acid is a common choice for increasing lip volume.
  • Some dermal fillers plump the body of the lips.
  • Other lip fillers target the shape line of the lips.

2. Deflated Cheeks

A thinner face is something many people crave, but aging delivers this side effect differently than weight loss. Rather than a slimmer, sharper profile, the result is saggy, deflated cheeks. They don’t have to stay that way.

  • Cheek fillers restore lost volume and create fullness to combat age-related fat loss.
  • Dermal fillers can define and sculpt the cheekbones.
  • Fillers rebuild fat in sunken cheeks and fill nasolabial folds.
  • Active ingredients act as fat fillers and help rebuild lost collagen.

3. Too Many Lines and Wrinkles

Even if you recognize that lines and wrinkles come with aging, it doesn’t mean you have to give in to the inevitable. It is possible to smooth and soften the creases with the right injectable and a customized plan for upkeep.

  • Injectables can address forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, and laugh lines.
  • This type of treatment temporarily paralyzes the muscles in the targeted areas.
  • Injectables relax wrinkles for smoother, younger-looking skin.

Benefits of Dermal Fillers and Injectables

Besides the amazing perks that getting dermal fillers or injectables does for your appearance, the treatments themselves are not at all daunting or unmanageable:

  • Cosmetic procedures are non-surgical and done in-office.
  • Fillers and injectables are minimally invasive and often require only local anesthetic.
  • All fillers and injectables are customized to the patient and their needs.
  • Results are long-lasting and some are immediate.

We all lose collagen, typically beginning in our 20s, and by the time you reach middle age your face is different, looser, and populated with lines. When you want to age backwards instead of embracing the weight of life on your skin, fillers and injectables make all the difference.

Choose the Right Dermal Filler or Injectable in NYC

Understanding the differences between dermal fillers and injectables can be difficult. Knowing what you need to address your facial concerns is just as confusing. Schedule a consultation with Charles Jovellano, board-certified nurse practitioner at Natural Beauty Fifth Avenue in New York City, to find out how his cosmetic dermatology experience and medical spa is equipped to help you achieve the appearance you want, whatever your age.